Spencer Miller
Photogrammetry Specialist
My Research
In short, anything 3D related. More specifically, my interests focus on using technology to understand the 3-dimensional nature of coral reef habitats and applying the knowledge towards future applications.
Education and Experience
MS - Marine Science, Hawaiʻi Pacific University
BS - Biology, Brigham Young University
Current Projects
Reef restoration monitoring of sites on Oʻahu and Maui.
Coral growth
Barrows, A., Hancock, J., Cohen, D., Gorong, P., Matthew, L., Louie, S., Caruso, C., Miller, S., Drury, C. (2023) Enhancing survivorship and growth of juvenile Montipora capitata using the Hawaiian collector urchin Tripneustes gratilla. PeerJ, 11, e16113. https://peerj.com/articles/16113/
Yadav, S., Roach, T., McWilliam, M., Caruso, C., Rocha de Souza, M., Foley, C., Allen, C., Dilworth, J., Huckeba, J., Santoro, E., Wold, R., Simpson, J., Miller, S., Hancock, J., Drury, C., Madin, J. (2023) Fine-scale variability in coral bleaching and mortality during a marine heatwave. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10, 1108365. https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/marine-science/articles/10.3389/fmars.2023.1108365/full
Miller, S., Yadav, S., & Madin, J. S. (2021). The contribution of corals to reef structural complexity in Kāne ‘ohe Bay. Coral Reefs, 40(6), 1679-1685. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00338-021-02194-8
Roach TNF, Yadav S, Caruso C, Dilworth J, Foley CM, Hancock J, Hucekba J, Huffmyer AS, Hughes K, Kahkejian VA, Madin EMP, Matsuda S, McWilliam M, Miller S, Santoro EP, Rocha de Souza M, Torres-Pulliza D, Drury C, Madin JS. (2021) A field primer for monitoring benthic ecosystems using structure-from-motion photogrammetry. Journal of Visual Experimentation. https://doi.org/10.3791/61815