
Ninah Munk


My Research

I have a broad interest in topics of marine biology, ecology, and conservation however I specifically study the tropical marine systems of Hawai’i with an emphasis on early life histories of coral. My previous research focused on optimizing aquaculture methods for husbandry of larval and juvenile Montipora capitata. I aim to provide science-based information to coral reef management and restoration practitioners.

Education and Experience

BS  - University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Marine Biology, 2021                                          

Current Projects

  • Oxidative stress response in larvae and juvenile Pocillopora acuta

  • Optimization of abiotic factors for improved growth and survivorship of Juvenile Corals


Hancock J, Barrows A, Roome T, Huffmyer AS, Matsuda S, Munk N, Rahnke S, Drury C. Coral husbandry for ocean futures: leveraging abiotic factors to increase survivorship, growth and resilience in juvenile Montipora capitata. Marine Ecology Progress Series (2021):