Kira (Withy-Allen) Hughes
Managing Director
I work closely with PI Drury to co-manage all research and outreach projects. This includes grant writing and administration, engaging stakeholders, establishing and maintaining partnerships, and conducting research activities. I’m generally interested in how we can transform our research results into solutions through active resource management. Being raised in Hawaiʻi, I’m particularly concerned about the future of our coral reefs.
Education and Experience
M.S. - San Diego State University, Biology - emphasis in Marine Ecology
B.S. - University of California, Santa Barbara, Aquatic Biology
Current Projects
UH Foundation & Collaborative Projects
Communications, Press, Partnerships, Outreach
Publications, Products, & Technical Reports
Caruso C, Hughes K, Drury C. Perspectives on Selecting Heat-Tolerant Corals for Proactive Restoration. Frontiers in Marine Science (2021):
Roach TNF, Yadav S, Caruso C, Dilworth J, Foley CM, Hancock JR, Huckeba J, Huffmyer AS, Hughes K, Kahkejian VA, Madin EMP, Matsuda SB, McWilliam M, Miller S, Santoro EP, Rocha de Souza M, Torres-Pulliza D, Drury C, Madin JS. 2021. A field primer for monitoring benthic ecosystems using structure-from-motion photogrammetry. JoVE.
Forsman Z, Maurin P, Parry M, Chung A, Sartor C, Hixon M, Hughes K, Rodgers K, Knapp I, Gulko D, Franklin E, Del Rio Torres L, Chan C, Wolke C, Gates R and R Toonen. The First Hawai’i Workshop For Coral Restoration & Nurseries. Marine Policy.
Hughes K. 2016. Online Forum for Teachers Developed in partnership with UH STEM Pre-Academy.
Withy-Allen K and K Hovel. 2013. California spiny lobster (Panulirus interrruptus) movement behaviour and habitat use: implications for the effectiveness of marine protected areas. Marine and Freshwater Research 64, 359-371.
Withy-Allen K, Mooney R, and K Merkel. 2012. Essential Fish Habitat Assessment for Cabrillo Power I LLC, Agua Hedionda Outer Lagoon
Mainetenance Dredge Project. Carlsbad, CA, USA. 22 pp.
Withy-Allen K, Henderson H and K Merkel. 2012. Baseline Eelgrass Survey and Marine Biological Resources Assessment for the Back Bay Landing Project. Newport Beach, CA, USA. 64 pp.
Withy-Allen K and K Hovel. 2009. An introduction to research on the California spiny lobster (Panulirus interruptus). The Lobster Newsletter 22(1): 3-5.
Withy-Allen, K. 2007. Life Science Curriculum. Moorea Coral Reef Long Term Ecological Research Program.